Services We Provide
Condition Reports
Is your house deteriorating? are you concerned about the condition of your current property? At Macro Building Solutions, we can complete a thorough Condition report that will detail all the problems and concerns with your home. We will identify the source of the problems, and let you know why this is happening.
Structural Reports
This is similar to the Condition report, however it goes into more detail. We will inspect the structural adequacy of your home, to ensure that there are no major issues. Some people are concerned that their house is about to fall down, we can identify any issues which may lead to major problems later on, as we uncover the big problems that started out little.
Mould Identification Inspections
Mould is a deadly and toxic substance, and can cause severe health issues to the occupants of the home. If you suspect that you may have mould in your home, do not wait, act immediately. We will conduct a detailed inspection to identify all areas in your home where mould is present. Sub Floors are the most common place for mould to grow, usually caused by inadequate drainage around the property and also inadequate cross flow ventilation within the Sub-Floor area. This can be a very costly repair if the mould is left for too long.
Asbestos Identification Inspections
Asbestos is a deadly fibre that no one wants in their home. If you have an older home, or suspect that asbestos is present in your home, then we can come through and conduct an inspection and identify all areas where asbestos is present.
Pre-Purchase Inspection
Have you found the home you have been dreaming about? DO NOT BUY. Macro Building Solutions will provide an in depth analysis of your new property to ensure that you are not being caught out by Real Estate Agents. DO not get conned into purchasing a property until you have had a thorough and detailed pre-purchase inspection. We will ensure that you are not buying a property with major issues that you can not see, you should know what you’re in for. We will make sure that when you purchase that dream, you purchase peace of mind.
Pre-Sale Inspection
Selling your home? Make sure that there are no major issues with your home before you sell. We will identify all the issues with your home before the purchaser engages in their pre purchase inspector. Selling a home can be a nightmare, ensure that your home sells first go, you can do this by identifying all the issues and fixing them prior to your home being put on the market. A purchaser will go for the home with the least amount of problems, we can make sure that happens to your home. A pre-sale inspection is your wisest home investment yet.
Swimming Pool and Pool Safety Inspections
With the new laws coming in for swimming pools, owners are unaware of the standards that your pool MUST comply with. You are now required to have your pool registered with your local council, and to do this it MUST comply with the relevant Australian Standard. We can conduct a complete swimming pool inspection, which will detail and issues you have with you pool and its construction. We will test the filters and inspect the surrounds. With a pool safety inspection we will inspect the safety and ensure that your pool complies. We will test the pool fencing and inspect other areas as indicated in the Australian Standard. If your pool passes and is compliant, we will then issue you with a compliance safety certificate, which you can then pass onto your local council to have your pool registered. We will take the liability away from you.